Russell Simmonds (Team Leader, MiX Telematics) & Ricardo Correa Pulido (Development Director, Equitel) in front of the Equitel building in Bogota.
I must admit that I was somewhat apprehensive about travelling to Bogota, Colombia as it is a city that has received much bad press in the past. I am pleased to say that my concerns have been completely allayed. Apparently Colombia fell victim to a high crime rate in the past due largely to corrupt law enforcement officials. A strict national security policy and eradication of corruption has turned this around and Bogota is a city alive with construction and other development activity.
Bogota is a great city and Columbia a beautiful country! The people are friendly and helpful and have a real zest for life. Like every city, there are areas to be avoided, but we have not felt unsafe at any time during our visit. We spent the day walking around an area in the North East of the city today and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves despite getting drenched in a downpour on the way back.
The team from Equitel are extremely professional and it is truly a pleasure working with them. We have found communication easy despite the language barrier. Most of the people at Equitel speak English very well. It is exciting to participate in this integration project and we are very enthusiastic about what will arise from our partnership.
Juan, the head of Equitel, and his team have been outstanding hosts! In all my travels, I have never experienced such excellent hospitality. They have given us a taste of Colombia and we are totally hooked. We have had the privilege of visiting several fine establishments and places of interest and built relationships that will last a lifetime. I will always remember Bogota for it's vibey music.
I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this great venture. It will be with fond memories that I bid farewell to our colleagues from Equitel when we leave on Wednesday. I look forward to my next visit to Colombia with great anticipation.
A panoramic view of Bogota with the Andes mountain range in the background.
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